jeudi 4 février 2016

How To Make Money Online - Do Not Take Shortcuts

There are many proven ways to generate income from online marketing, which include Google AdSense, affiliate programs, ClickBank and much more. Do you remember the old saying that "Time is Money"? So if you know some of the ways to make money online and in a guaranteed fashion, then this is a phrase you should learn to live by.
You will see a great number of products which advertise, "Get Rich Quick" or "Instant Online Income" but if you are looking to make money online with a higher degree of certainty, then you must realize that you will most likely "get back what you put in". Do not expect to get rich overnight or even in a few weeks, because it is unlikely to happen.
Making money online is a process for 99% of those who attempt it. While some strike it lucky with ideas that take off and blow up, most people must put significant time and effort into their online business before it thrives and begins to make any significant money.
Just think about how many hours over the past month have you watched television, played around on Facebook or read fiction novels? Just in the last month you have no doubt spent dozens hours of your free time doing activities which not only take your free time, but take your money as well. If you want to make money with an online venture, then just think of what you could create in the hundreds of hours of your spare time over the years which you have wasted on sometimes worthless activities.
It's not whether you will make money online, but more a matter of "How Much Money" you will make. If you put your time and effort into your honest internet business you will make an income that is almost guaranteed. The amount that you will make depends on any number of factors which include;
  • The niche of your online business,
  • How you monetize your site,
  • Your site design,
  • How much you spend on advertising,
  • Your social media presence and its alignment with your internet business
You may now be wondering at this point as to how it can be guaranteed that you will make money online. The answer to this question is a matter of how serious you are about doing so and having the dedication to avoid any get-rich-quick type schemes which will have you end up flat on your face with a failed online business project. Rather than taking the first shortcut you see, why not use the best internet business training program?
While you certainly wouldn't go jumping right into being an airplane pilot without the necessary training, there are thousands of people who every day try to start an internet marketing businesses with no training at all. What then happens is that over 90% fail and give up within the first couple months because they thought they would make money quite easily. It is not about just buying a product or service that makes extravagant claims without any independently verified evidence.
If you do things correct the first time then making money online is simply a numbers game. Once you learn from a tried and authentic internet business training program, the amount of money you make from your online business will steadily increase. With proper monetization strategies the number of website visitors will be directly related to the income your website or blog online business generates.

lundi 18 janvier 2016

4 Reasons to Start an Online Business In 2016

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Well, here are 4 reasons to start an online business in 2016.
Maybe you're thinking about making some more money to pay for more vacations. Maybe you just want a few hundred bucks extra each month to pay off that car bill. No matter what your reason is, you can accomplish your goal with he right plan.
Here are the 4 reasons you should start an online business in 2016:
1.) Extra income. Everyone likes to have some extra income at the end of the month. Makes things more fun when you want to pick up that Xbox game or maybe just go out to dinner more often with your loved one.
2.) More time with family. Quality time is important to me. This is actually my "why" for success. I decided early on in my marketing career that family is what REALLY matters. It wasn't nice cars or clothes. I just wanted more time with my wife and other loved ones. Maybe you can relate?
3.) Follow your passions. I don't know about you, but being stuck in a 9 to 5 job working for someone who doesn't even care about you is silly. Are you wanting to go after that passion of yours and prove to people that you can follow your dreams? If so, great! Life is supposed to be fun, so why not enjoy it?
4.) Replace your current income. Now, this one is by far the coolest one of the 4 reasons. That's because it kinda takes care of the other 3. Replacing your entire income from your 9 to 5 job is like saying "I'm free!!!" You're free to do whatever you want with your time and you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. Now, there's a catch to this as well. You have to hold yourself accountable in order to achieve your online goals. Otherwise, you'll be spinning your wheels and losing time and money.
Now that you have the right reasons for starting an online business, it's time to take the dive. Get out there and research the different topics you could get involved in. Maybe you want to teach people how to work on car engines. Maybe it's more in your style to talk about the law of attraction. It doesn't matter which topic you choose, as long as it feels good to teach on that topic. Good luck!
Hey, do you want a "done for you" marketing funnel that has a complete product and up-sell series in place that you can profit from today?

samedi 16 janvier 2016

How to Make $300 Per Day Online

In this article I am going to show you how to make $300 per day online using a simple 3 step process. Follow my blueprint and watch your income grow. It doesn't matter if you're a complete newbie, I've got the plan laid out in a simple to use format.
Here are the 3 things you must do to make $300 per day online:
Step 1: In order to make extra income online, you must have a product or service to promote. I recommend sticking with a topic that gets lots of potential customers searching the web for more information. Niche topics like "Make Money," "Dating," "Body Building," and "Weight Loss" are great topics to promote.
You can find these products on affiliate networks such as ClickBank and Jvzoo. These networks have a vast array of products that payout different commission percentages. These affiliate networks are easy to join. Make sure that whatever product you are promoting pays out 50% commission. You will also want to earn at least $100 per sale for this process to work correctly.
Step 2: Create a simple lead magnet. A lead magnet is a website that consists of a headline and call to action. Send ALL traffic to this page. This will ensure that you are building a long term business online. Remember, your lead magnet should be enticing to your visitor. Your potential subscriber should receive a benefit for subscribing to your list.
Once you have created your lead magnet, it's time to write your follow-up campaign. Make sure that you have at least 7 follow-up emails in place. I personally use 10 follow-up emails but 7 is a good number as well. People don't trust everyone they do business with online. That's why it's important to have the follow-up sequence in place.
Step 3: This is where it gets fun, and PROFITABLE! Now that you have created your follow-up email campaign, you can begin using different advertising strategies to get the word out about your product or service. I recommend that you choose 3 traffic building strategies and test them thoroughly.
For example, I use solo ads when I want to get instant results. I can literally get 2,000 clicks to my lead magnet within 5 days. You will want to convert at least 40% of the traffic you send to your lead magnet into subscribers. Now, remember when I said you can make $300 per day?
Here's what needs to happen. You will want to send 200 visitors to your lead magnet every day. That way you are getting 80-100 new subscribers per day. Test and tweak your sales funnel until it is converting 3% of your subscribers into paying customers. At $100 per sale, that's $300.
That's it! It doesn't take much to accomplish this task. However, it does take patience and the willingness to test out different traffic sources. Once you find the traffic source that converts well for you, it's easy to scale up your online business.
Hey, do you want a "done for you" marketing funnel that has a complete product and up-sell series in place that you can profit from today?

mercredi 13 janvier 2016

5 Questions You Need To Answer Before You Start Affiliate Marketing

Some people start online affiliate marketing because they think it's a way to earn quick and easy money. They then realize that it is not as quick or easy as they first thought and give up, saying that it's all a waste of time. But, when done correctly, affiliate marketing is a great way to start an online business and make money.
Think you're ready to start affiliate marketing? Before you do, see how you answer these 5 questions.
1. Are You Willing To Learn New Skills?
Affiliate marketing involves more than just selling. Think of it more about telling. It's about providing your prospects with information that they will find useful. You have to be willing to learn how to choose the right affiliate products to suit your audience. There are some excellent courses where you can learn the skills to help you become successful.
2. Does It Matter That You're Not An Expert?
When you start affiliate marketing you don't have to be an expert in your chosen niche. The product creator is the expert. Your job is to find the customers and let them know that you have a solution to their problem or that you have something that will make their life easier or less complicated.
3. Are You Willing To Put In The Work?
When you start affiliate marketing, you will need to put in some work. Affiliate products don't sell themselves. You can promote your products in a variety of ways. You can create a blog on your website and write product reviews of your chosen affiliate products. You can advertise with banner ads or text links on other websites that your target audience will visit. You can also promote products via emails to the subscribers who join your list.
4. Are You Willing To Market Other People's Products?
When you start affiliate marketing you have to make sure that you position yourself with a respected product owner who supports their affiliates. Remember that product creators get their affiliates to do their marketing for them and pay nothing if the affiliate does not sell anything. Remember that you're not just promoting the product itself. You're promoting the person or business selling it.
5. Do You Want To Build A Legitimate Online Business?
As an affiliate marketer, you need to gain respect for the products you promote. Get product owners to supply you with review copies, or purchase the product yourself so that see how it works. Remember you can always get your money back if you ask within the refund period. Giving a comprehensive review builds trust with your audience, but only if you're honest about the product's possible weak points.

lundi 11 janvier 2016

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - A Simple Way to Start Online

Do you want to begin online and you have heard Affiliate Marketing is a simple way to start but you want to know more about it and why affiliate marketing is so great?
Firstly because affiliate marketing is such a simple method of introducing products to your customers and getting paid for it, the steps are quicker to learn.
If you begin with a mentor or coach it is even easier as they will provide the products, probably some marketing training and sales pages written for you. Your mentor also delivers the goods to your customers, so you can see much of the marketing is taken care of. You will work to a tried and tested plan that has worked for others before you and is still up to date.
Yes you have to find customers but the training will show you how to get traffic to the sales pages. For this you can use paid traffic like PPC or solo ads, or there are many free ways to encourage visitors to your web-pages. Free or organic traffic isn't as immediate as advertising you purchase, but once set up organic traffic keeps working automatically. A mixture of both is a good idea.
When working with a mentor you are receiving coaching which you will probably have to pay for either initially or as you learn. You will therefore need a small amount of cash to begin so keep your day job until you are established in your affiliate marketing.
However as you have so much of the marketing done for you, you are able to begin earning whilst you are learning the techniques required. It doesn't happen overnight but is much quicker than learning it all yourself and sourcing your own products from large websites.
As you grow your business you will want to become a super affiliate and earn larger amounts so make sure your mentor has a good range of excellent products, some more advanced higher priced items so that as your customers grow in their hobby or interest and gain skills or knowledge, you can keep supplying them.
Choose a niche you will enjoy spending time growing your business, and learning more yourself. Hobbies create good affiliate businesses because you need customers with a disposable income, and a strong interest in the topic, so that they will come back for more products.
Programs are available in most niches make a Google search, or look at magazine racks for ideas. So make sure your chosen coach offers an excellent range of products, good training, a tried and tested plan of action, and perhaps a community of like-minded entrepreneurs you can communicate with. Check out what is on offer before you sign up.

mardi 3 novembre 2015

How To Make Easy Money With Adfly

What is is an URL shortening service, such as and but with one little twist, you can make money from every link you create! Today there are plenty of websites out there that gives you the opportunity to shorten your links in order to make them more appealing or to hide where the link actually leads. However, there are only a few of them that you can make money online from and is one of the best for just that. Later on in this article I will show you some the different ways that you can use to make money with While is a great website you will most likely not make enough money from it to quit your day job, though it can build up over time and provide you with that money you need to start up your bigger projects online.

How does work? is simply a link shortening service that serves ads in every link that you create. For every ad in your links that someone sees you will make money. The ad shows for 5 seconds before you can click "skip ad" and continue to the links destination. The amount of money you make is about $0.5 to $4.7 per thousand views as I'm writing this article. Below are some ways on how to make money online with

Types of ads

Displaying interstitial ads
Displaying interstitial ads in your links is the highest paying alternative. If you shrink a link with an interstitial advertisement in it people will see full screen advertising before they can continue to the links destination. The advertisement lasts for 5 seconds before the alternative of skipping it becomes available for the viewer.

Using a framed banner
Using a framed banner is a less "painful" alternative for everyone that clicks on your link. This is because the ad will not take up the whole screen; instead it will only show a banner at the top of the browser. However, you will not make as much money with this alternative as you would have done by using interstitial ads.

Full page scripts
Even though I'd advice not to use full page scripts it is still a service offered by Full page scripts is a code snippet that you place in your websites code to change all of your links to links. Doing so will make your users have to watch an ad every time they click on a link at your website. Sure, if you have thousand of visitors per day you can make some money with this, but you will most likely piss of everyone trying to browse your website.

Get referrals to do the hard work

If you do not want to do the hard work yourself then get some "slaves" to do the work for you. has a referral program that grants you 20% of your referrals earnings for life. So if you're a famous person or has a great way to get referrals online this is for you. If you get about 100 referrals that are all making about $1 per month this will automatically get $20 per month without any work. It may not seem like a lot but money quickly adds up and if you have any good idea on how to get people to click on your own links you could be earning well over $50 per month simply by creating links. If you run a website or blog you could simply put up one of their banners on your site and
if anyone clicks on them and signs up you will get a referral, with this referral you will get $20 bonus.

Your $20 Welcome Bonus:

Making money with Adfly

Finally I'm getting to the point! I suppose you mainly came here to get ideas on how to make money with and therefore I am going to list a few ways that I made my first $50 with when I used

Post on forums
If you know how a forum works then you will also know that there are plenty of forums out there that gets millions of views every month with hundreds of thousands members. Let's say you know where to fins great Photoshop graphics, so you sign up with a design forum. You then create an link to these graphics (it could be anything from Photoshop brushes to logo designs). Then you cleverly create a thread on the forum saying something like "Free logo designs for your website" with a little bit information and maybe some pictures of the logos inside. Then you place your link in the thread and say that they can download them from that site. If you do this actively you can get thousands of clicks on your links each day. This can be done in various forums, as long as you have something that the rest of the users want, for example eBooks, software, videos and so on.
Create videos on YouTube
YouTube is a great way to make money online and it even works with in some cases. If you know how to make videos you could create a video about a new software or song and then simply say that the link to download it is in the description. Since the video will most likely constantly get traffic you can duplicate this process and create many videos. In the end you might get thousands of clicks on your links every day on autopilot. And the more videos you upload, the more money you will make.
Everyday linking to things
If you're active at websites such as twitter, facebook or similar websites you can easily make some money online from them. In the end, the more links you create the more you will earn, just post them on highly trafficked websites. The links will most likely stay forever and you will earn residual money from them forever. Though, you should not overdo this, putting links in instant messenger chats gives little to no money and only wastes time for you and the one clicking the link.
Great extra features of is a great website and there are some things that make it this great. One of those things is the interface it has, it's simple to navigate and understand even for new users. also has a forum where you can talk with admins and other members; this is a great way to see that the website is not a scam. When you create a link with their service you can use one of the worlds shortest URL's: and, so you're not just limited to using the shortening. You also get very detailed statistics from every link you create, such as the earnings, amount of clicks and from where in the world someone clicked on your links. But the best thing is that the payout is as low as $5, this means that you can reach your payout limit easily if you just put some effort in spreading your links online.



mercredi 3 juin 2015

How To Make Money On Instagram, Make Money Uploading Pictures!

Instagram has become the next big thing. Users of Facebook are migrating towards Instagram,
because the interface and usability are way better. You can also interact with your own fans instead of just friends, and this can potentially be VERY powerful.
If you own a big Instagram account with a lot of followers you will be seen as an authority. Whatever you post will be liked and shared. Everyone will tag their friends, so their friends can see whatever you upload. Instagram profiles can get viral, especially if you are into vines and funny pictures, or fitness and motivational pictures.
If you ever wondered whether it's possible to make money off of your followers, you are not alone! With the great response there is on Instagram, you can potentially make hundreds of dollars weekly.
If you combine advertisements along with your pictures you will get a lot of traffic, and potentially sales. The most important thing is to stay away from spamming, and only provide useful related ads next to your pictures.
As most Instagram users are on their mobile, you will have to target mobile offers who are viewable on a cellphone. Content that doesn't load on a cellphone won't work at all. You will need to market simple things, such as protein powder, fitness equipments etc. IF your page is related to fitness. You don't need to have your own business to sell stuff, as you can work as an affiliate for other business owners. They will give you commissions based on sales that you provide them. It's really as easy as that.
If you're already now thinking that this won't work as the links in the picture description isn't clickable, you are very wrong. The key is to use a URL shortener for whatever product or site you try to promote. You can use which is very popular, especially on Twitter. Or you can use Google's own shortener: Creating small links will be easy to remember and to manually type in a web browser.
You can also add your link to your BIO, which makes it clickable. When uploading your picture you can simply tell your followers to click the link in your bio and they will be redirected straight to your site.