mercredi 6 mai 2015

A Simple Guide To Making Money On YouTube

If you're a marketer trying to figure out how to make money on YouTube, you have a lot of company.
Marketers are always looking for new ways to convert their homemade videos into serious profit. If you fall into this category, consider these practical, easy-to-use strategies for making money off of your videos - even the simple or silly ones.
How To Promote Your Site
YouTube was actually developed to be a promotional tool for marketers. The idea was that marketers would post their videos on YouTube, along with their bio or signature which contained a link to their site. The purpose of these videos was to give out information on the marketer's specialty area and to create broader awareness of their brand, which would help financially in the long run. If you're interested in making a profit on YouTube, this is the way people typically do it; however, you won't be accomplishing much more than getting traffic to your site.
If you want to use YouTube as a profitable promotional venue for your site, you have to find a niche that isn't properly covered, and develop lectures or seminars on the topic that can be made into videos. To ensure that you have high-quality video and sound, you should get some good recording equipment.
The Path To Becoming a YouTube Partner
In the time since Google took over YouTube, the site has included more and more advertising, which allows people to include ads in their videos and make money from the visitor clicks - very similar to the way AdSense works. If you want to be a YouTube partner, you have to fill out an application and submit it for approval.
And once you're approved, you can start making money by posting videos to your YouTube site and opting your creations into the partner network. It's really a pretty simple way to make money on one of the most popular sites on the web.
Collecting Email Addresses
One of the most common ways to make money online is through email marketing, and YouTube has emerged as one of the most helpful paths to success. You may not be able to put an opt-in capture form directly onto YouTube, but you have other options, such as putting a link in your biography or a watermark on your video that directs people to a squeeze page. So this is yet another way to make money on YouTube. Remember, it isn't your videos themselves that are making you money. But the email addresses that you bring in are as valuable as any sort of profit you might make from your video, since they can be the source of income in the future.
Advantages of Affiliate Marketing
People who are interested in finding ways to make a profit from YouTube should consider affiliate marketing. To do this successfully, you will need to get a basic editing tool so that you can put a watermark on your uploaded videos. This allows you to create video productions that include advice and strategies - a package that you can use as a teaser to get people to visit your site, where they can purchase a more comprehensive product. Another option is to re-upload a video that has your watermark on it. This way is easiest, but you have to be careful not to violate any copyrights and to stay away from broadcast material.
Renting Videos on YouTube
Google recently came out with an idea for a new rental system that will soon go into effect. In the new plan, people who give seminars or who produce numerous viral videos will be able to charge rental fees for every video that is viewed. Considering that the amount of video content is steadily increasing and the quality of these videos is improving, there's plenty of money to be made for people with outstanding video products to sell.
For the past six years, no site has been more influential in the social and viral web than YouTube, and as a result marketers around the world have been launching endless money-making ideas. This means that YouTube can no longer be considered an experimental tool. If you own an online business and you want to increase your profits, you must consider using YouTube. It won't be long before you discover the huge profit potential of this popular marketing strategy.

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